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Why people get involved ...

We make a real difference where needs are greatest.

Within rural education, resources are severely limited; teachers are among the least qualified in the country and they work under the most challenging circumstances. As a result:

  • The reading skill level of the average 16-year-old child in the rural school lags up to seven years behind that of an average urban child;
  • Largely as a result of this, the drop-out rate in rural schools, from primary school to senior school is more than 50%;
  • The repeater rate of rural learners is excessive and costly; and
  • Most youth who leave rural schools have difficulty finding jobs. Those who qualify for tertiary studies generally have a major challenge before them as a result of the poorly-developed foundation skills.
We experience Africa at its best.

The Rally convoys travel to beautiful, seldom-visited parts of the country and are given warm traditional welcomes wherever they stop.

Personal delivery - not merely a handover

Sponsors deliver material personally and therefore witness where their money is invested and meet the beneficiaries. As each school is visited for three consecutive years, the impact of this investment may be tracked.

The weekend away

All rally participants are guests of the organisers and the hosts of the project, for the weekend. Each rally has a host sponsor who covers the meals and accommodation costs for the weeked. This ensures that monies contributed by sponsors is invested in the schools.


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